What they say in the Press
about Redfoxpress

        - The Bainbridge Island Museum talikng about "Franticham's Los Angeles Palmtrees - January 2023

        - "Snamhai or gormaire? The best Irish insults" - The Irish Times Magazine - 12 March, 2022

        - "Nasty Parties" TLS review (The Times Literary Supplement) nr 6204 February 25, 2022

        - "Material encounters" by Renata Pekowska in Printmakingtoday.co.uk - Winter 2021

        - Impressions open printmaking biennial, Galway 2021

        - The Bibliothèque Forney in Paris about Redfoxpress' books in their collection, March 2018

        - Letterform Archive from San Francisco about Redfoxpress' books in their collection, January 2018

        - A spread of a Redfoxpress book ("Paris-Metro") used as a double wall decoration
        of the Klingspor Museum stand at the 2017 Frankfurt Book Fair

        - The State Library of Victoria, Melbourne about Redfoxpress' books in their collection, 2013

        - "Die Druckerei mit dem schoensten Blick der Welt", Rene Boell, Irland Journal, Germany, 2013

        - ARD Frankfurt Buchmesse October 2017

        - October 2017, "Redfoxpress books at the Frankfurt book fair" Astrid Nischkauer in "Fixpoetry"

        - 2017 Redfoxpress Artist's Books collection at NIVAL, Dublin

        - September 2017, FAZ Germany, Jan Wiele, "In den Ginster sincken", Heinrich Boell and Achill.

        - Our screen prints used by JUUN.J. Fashion Design, Seoul

        - October 2016, "Redfoxpress books at the Frankfurt book fair" Astrid Nischkauer in "Fixpoetry"

        - April 2016, "A Post-Fluxus Island: Red Fox Press and Post-Fluxus Artistic Practices"
        A thesis about Fluxus and Redfoxpress by Elliott Jenkins, Ohio State University. (available as PDF)

        - February 2016, Travel Hag, "Visual Poetry on Achill Island"

        - September 2012, Ciara Moynihan, Mayo News, "Art in an Instant"

        - November 2011, An Achill Cottage Industry, Andy Devane, The Irish Times

        - 2007 "Lost Seouls - A Diary of 2 Fish". A 14 minute documentary about life and work of Franticham (Redfoxpress). Directed and produced by Heather Fletcher, University of Bournemouth

        - 2012, A small video from our exhibition in Poznan, Poland

Francis Van Maele
Dugort, Achill Island, County Mayo, Ireland